Our Services
Grant Writing
Our collaborative approach to developing grant proposals has resulted in the successful acquisition of tens of millions of dollars from federal and state sources to benefit communities throughout the Pacific Northwest. We engage our clients in a comprehensive process from visioning your needs and crafting compelling grant proposals to successfully fulfill your funding needs.

The types of grant proposals we prepare include:
- Fire Equipment and Apparatus
- Fire Stations
- Wildfire Mitigation
- Climate Change
- Conservation
- Food Security
- Affordable Housing
- Health Care
Examples of Specific Grant Writing Offerings:
Resource Solutions LLC has provided numerous grant writing services to Fire Districts and Fire Departments throughout the Pacific Northwest. These projects have included the preparation of grants for fire station construction & renovation, the hiring of new firefighters and volunteer recruitment and retention incentives, the purchase of equipment and apparatus, and the support of firefighting training programs. Funding to fulfill these needs has been obtained through application to various grant programs including:
- Assistance to Firefighter Grants (AFG) program
- Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants (SAFER) program
- Fire Prevention and Safety Grants (FP&S) program
- USDA Rural Development
- HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program
Examples of Our Successful Grants to Support Emergency Services include:
- $1,000,000 for Ambulance Facility Construction, Douglas/Okanogan County Fire District #15, Brewster
- $877,523 for Aerial Apparatus, Grant County Fire District #5, Moses Lake
- $676,000 for Pumper/Tender, Snohomish County Fire District 21, Arlington-Heights
- $750,000 for Fire Station Construction, Lewis County Fire District #3, Mossyrock, and Asotin County Fire District #1, Clarkston
- $361,269 SCBA, Spokane County Fire District #8, Valley Ford
Resource Solutions LLC has a proven track record in the acquisition of grant funding to meet the needs of local governments and community non-profits. This includes the preparation and submission of grant proposals to fund diverse projects ranging from the construction of public facilities (library, public meeting space) to financial resources supporting various educational programs in local public schools. Funding to fulfill these needs has been obtained through application to various grant programs including:
- Washington State Department of Commerce
- FEMA Hazard Mitigation Program
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
- Washington State Housing Trust Fund
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Examples of successful Grants to Support Local Governments & Community Non-Profits include:
- $800,000 for Construction of Cornerstone Community Adult Family Home for the developmentally disabled, Leavenworth, WA
- $900,000 for construction of new Public Library, City of Quincy, WA
- $150,000 for affordable housing “capacity building” to support SHARE Community Land Trust, Leavenworth, WA
- 12 successful AmeriCorps grants totaling $350,000 for support of Special Education programs, Cascade School District #228, Leavenworth WA
- $1,500,000 “21st Century Learning Centers” grant from U.S. Department of Education to support After School, Summer School and Community School Programs, Leavenworth, WA
- $153,000 for Auxiliary Power Project, City of Pateros, WA
A list of additional funding obtained by Resource Solutions LLC to support Fire Districts and Fire Departments can be viewed under the “Successful Projects” page.
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